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Top 10 Most Watched Movies in The World

Movies are the Best type of entertainment and a great way to relax and unwind after working the whole day. Movies also provide the perfect and VIP plan for the first date with the girl of your dreams. In today Life, Movies are therefore part of us. Movies are who we are. Movies are educative. Movies are entertaining and informative as well. Since time immemorial, human folk are known to enjoy acting and theatre. Movies as a Modern Entertainment Nowadays, people can watch movie everywhere. The media to watch a movie now is much easier to get. There are a lot of things that the movies can give us. There are at least 3 things that movies as a modern entertainment can give us such as education, entertainment and creativity when we are watching them. Well let’s see if movies of this caliber make it into the list of the Top 10 most watched movies of all the time.
  1. Titanic
  2. Avatar
  3. Star Wars Episode IV – A new hope
  4. The Lion King
  5. Terminator 2 – Judgment Day
  6. ET- the Extra Terrestrial
  7. The Lord of the Rings
  8. Home Alone
  9. The God father
  10. Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone

1. Titanic Movie

The Titanic is one of the most watched movies of all time. Starring a young Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet as members of two different social classes. The Titanic is a disaster romance and having  a great feeling film in which two members aboard the RMS Titanic fall in love with each other and majority perish when it is sinks during its maiden voyage. It has been nominated for various Awards and is one of the highest grossing and earning movies of all time.

2. Avatar Movie

Avatar alien movie makes it into the list of the top 10 most watched movies of all the time. The play to this movie is the alien space world of Pandora. The living of this planet are the Navi who may seem primitive but they are in fact highly evolved. A hybrid between a human and a Navi leads to birth a creature that is known as an Avatar. War emerges where the Avatars and the natives the Navi fight for survival and living of their world. Avatar Movie was realized in 2009.

3. IV Star Wars Episode – A new Hope Movie


Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, is a 1977 American epic space opera film written and directed by George Lucas. In this space epic, the dark forces under the leadership of Darth Vader take hostage Princess Leia in their bid to tame opposition against the new Galactic Empire. The millennium falcon join hands to rescue the princess and restore freedom and order in the Galaxy.

4. The Lion King Movie


I think we have all watched the lion king. This animated film features the trail of a young lion by the name Simba as he tries to take leadership of the animal kingdom after his father Mufasa is cruelly murdered by hi envious uncle Scar. This film teaches us values of humanity and perseverance in the face of disaster. This is one of the film kids enjoy and for this reason it makes it as one of the most watched movies in the world.

5. Terminator 2 – Judgment Day Movie

This is one of the most watched movie in the world and one of the main reason for this is that it stars none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger. The film stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Robert Patrick and Edward Furlong. It is the sequel to the 1984 film The Terminator, and the second installment in the Terminator franchise. Schwarzenegger is a darling to many with his fans amazed at acting and fighting skills so much so that he was elected governor of California immediately after his retirement from active acting. In the film he plays a robot T- 800 that is tasked to protect civilization by protecting a young John Connor.

6. ET – The Extra Terrestrial Movie

It tells the story of Elliott (Thomas), a lonely boy who befriends an extraterrestrial, dubbed "E.T." (Welsh), who is stranded on Earth. He and his siblings help it return home while attempting to keep it hidden from their mother and the government. This is a film about aliens and how they relate with Humans. Produced in 1982, ET – The Extra Terrestrial is a film about a gentle alien that gets stranded on earth. Elliot takes this strange creature home and he introduces it to his brother and sister and they decide to keep its existence a secret. The alien falls ill and the government intervenes.

7. The Lord of the Rings Movie

The Lord of the Rings is a film franchise that includes three fantasy adventure films produced by Peter Jackson. The film is set in a fictitious setting of Middle-earth in which the Fellowship try to destroy its One Ring and by extension destroy its ruler the Dark Lord Sauron. The film is as intriguing as it is exciting and its viewers could not get enough of it making it is one of the most watched movies in the world.

8. Home Alone Movie

Christmas Comedy movie Home Alone is a film produced in 1990. In this film an 8 year old child tries to save his family from burglars when he is accidentally left home alone after his family flies to Paris for Holiday vacation. This is one of those feel good movies in which the good triumphs over evil. At the end of film the little child outsmarts the burglars and they are arrested and taken to prison.

9. The God Father Movie

The movie starts when the son of Don Corleone, Michael joins the mafia and get sucked into the vicious cycle of criminal violence and betrayal. The Godfather is regarded by many as one of the greatest Movie in the world. The Godfather is a mob-drama film that highlights the all-powerful Italian-American crime family of Don Vito Corleone. It develops and scenes of armed conflict between the police and drug cartel are common. The Godfather voted as the 2nd “Greatest Film in USA movies” by the American Film Institute.

10. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Movie

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is still popular up to now and it therefore merits a place in the top 10 most watched movies in the world. Produced at the turn of the millennium, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone is a film about Harry Potter that is a young kid, who for the first time went to the Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry Potter finds that he is indeed a famous wizard and it is at this time that he begins his magic education. The plot develops and Harry is able to learn more about his past and he came about to possess wizardry power. This movie did cast a spell on its viewers with people trooping to cinema and video hall to watch it.

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